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© 1997

Have a close encounter? Please share with us!

Back in good ole Iowa, Kidzzz, where there is sky
enough to notice, and not much else to do but watch
the grass grow and then watch it die again, I had an strange experience one evening.

I had started mowing late in the day
really late, as it was summer and the sun was already
turning the western sky the wonderful colors you only get
on a late august night.

It didn't bother me, cause my riding mower had head lights
and yeah, I was dying to have a reason to use them.

So I was busy mowing away, when, from behind the grainery
there was a rather bright, blueish, silvery light.
At the time, I remember thinking it was the moon rising.
Then, as the light changed and shifted somewhat,
I remembered that there was no moon, it had
gone into the phase of the new moon, which means a
black night, so I began to think that the farmer who leased
the land around my homestead
was cultivating his field.

The light grew very bright, and I could see
it was coming from something else

click on the images to enlarge

I suddenly felt a desire to run, vibration filled the air
and the object appeared
I can tell you now that years have passed,
that I left the mower running and darted straight
for the house and didnt come out again til the light
was gone, and I am not ashamed of my fear at all.


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    they will appear on

    our feedback page in the future.


    The Project Blue book articles listed on this link are the 701 UN -Solved sightings. Don't you find it strange, Kidzzz, that they closed project blue book just months after we put a man on the moon?


    The Phenomenon of UFO's

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